But I am not the High Conflict Person!
Being in a high conflict relationship can happen with two very antagonistic people or one who is simply intent on creating conflict with you simply for the sport. Regardless, the behavior of both parties will always be taken into consideration and ultimately be blamed for the dynamic.
In order to shield yourself and your children from a lifetime of pain, you can learn how to deal with this person who loves to push your buttons and gains pleasure from terrorizing you. There are ways to remain child centered and detached. You will need to become an expert in the following:
Emotionally distancing yourself from the other parent.
Disengage from the habits that keep you stuck in the conflict.
Understand your triggers, why they exist, and what to do about them.
Communicate with the other parent without having to ever have an argument.
Set boundaries to keep the other parent out of your life.
Understand real threats vs perceived threat.
Keeping the control of your life in your hands.